Monday, March 29, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Radio Zeewolf, Radio Bulgaria 85 years old

QSL from Radio Zeewolf 6320 khz

Radio Bulgaria 85 years old

Radio Bulgaria 85 years old

Speaking your language for 85 years

2021 marks the 85th anniversary of the Bulgarian National Radio’s foreign language service to the world. It all began on 16 February, 1936. One year after the Bulgarian radio was officially launched, what is now Radio Bulgaria went on the air. It was a Sunday when Radio Sofia’s full morning programme was launched, to reach Europe, North America and North Africa.

Now, 85 years later, Radio Bulgaria is still talking to the world about the country in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Serbian, Greek, Albanian, Turkish and Bulgarian.

Our special feature presents intriguing facts from the history of Radio Bulgaria, its golden voices, as well as reminiscences from the people who have worked at Radio Bulgaria through the years. 



QSL from Radio Zeewolf 6320 khz


E-QSL Radio Zeewolf (Netherlands), 6320 khz, 20.02.2021, 14 days,

Saturday, March 27, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from World's LastChance, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 28-April 3 2021

QSL from World's LastChance 5910 khz

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 28-April 3 2021

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 28-April 3 2021

 Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 28-April 3:

In episode 210, we enjoy music from Belize. 

The transmissions take place:

1.Sunday 2200-2300 (NEW UTC) (6:00PM -7:00PM EST) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe

2. Tuesday 2000-2100 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.

3. Saturday 0800-0900 UTC on Channel 292, 9670 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe with a directional booster aimed eastward.

(Information  Facebook page)

QSL from World's LastChance 5910 khz


E-QSL World's LastChance (United Kingdom), 5910 khz, 04.03.2021,

Friday, March 26, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Texas Radio Shortwave, The Isle of Music, March 28-April 3 2021

QSL from Texas Radio Shortwave 3955 khz
The Isle of Music, March 28-April 3 2021

The Isle of Music, March 28-April 3 2021

From the Isle of Music, March 28-April 3:
This week, in honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, we reprise a 2020 episode with Cuban jazz violinist William Roblejo. 
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 on WBCQ (NEW UTC), 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 (NEW UTC) on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.

(Information  Facebook page)

QSL from Texas Radio Shortwave 3955 khz


E-QSL Texas Radio Shortwave (via Channel 292), 3955 khz, 28.02.2021, 2 days,
e-mail: texasradiosw @

Thursday, March 25, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from All Tribes Radio, Radio Northern Europe International test broadcast from Armenia

QSL from All Tribes Radio 3955 khz

Radio Northern Europe International test broadcast from Armenia

Radio Northern Europe International test broadcast from Armenia

Exciting news: We will be having a test broadcast from Armenia 7420 kW, 100kW, 330 Az this Sunday (28 March) at 17:30 UTC which looks to have a strong signal all over Europe for those of you who have missed out hearing the Channel 292 broadcasts! Please listen in and tell us your feedback! :)

(Information Twiter RNEI_Official)

QSL from All Tribes Radio 3955 khz


E-QSL All Tribes Radio (via Channel 292), 3955 khz, 28.02.2021, 2 days,
e-mail: alltribesradio @

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

QSL from Bobs 60s Splash 3955 khz


E-QSL Bobs 60s Splash (via Channel 292), 3955 khz, 26.02.2021, 1 day,

Monday, March 22, 2021


Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги по радио-хобби!
Хочу обратить Ваше внимание на ситуацию с Всеиндийским Радио на русском языке. После приостановления вещания с марта 2020 года из-за пандемии коронавируса, редакция ушла на удалённую работу. С 17 декабря публикации новостей и комментариев на официальном сайте русской службы были прекращены. Многие службы радио уже восстановили свою работу в том или ином формате. Также в январе было анонсировано и возобновление вещания русской службы (причём в DRM-формате), которое в итоге так и не состоялось. Группой энтузиастов, которым не безразлично русскоязычное вещание, предложено написать обращение к руководству Всеиндийского радио с требованием возобновления вещания, причём в аналоговом формате. В прикреплённом файле указан текст обращения. Предлагается обращение неравнодушным слушателям "подписать", прислав своё имя, фамилию, 
электронный адрес на следующий
В прошлом подобный случай имел успех (с изменением вещательной частоты русской службы). Есть надежда, что руководство радио, увидев обращение и количество подписавшихся под ним, также пойдёт навстречу радиослушателям. Предварительное окончание сбора подписей 28 марта 2021 года.
Просьба посодействовать распространению информации.
Всех благ!

Dear AIR executives,
This petition comes from a group of radio listeners in Russia, other countries of the
former Soviet Union and beyond. We are concerned about the situation of the All India Radio Russian Service, which was suspended in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. By now, many AIR language services have already resumed their broadcasts. The resumption of the Russian Service was declared, too, but it didn't take place yet.(That's because of insufficient staffing level, as some media tell us.) We are afraid that AIR senior management doesn't pay much attention to the Russian Service, and we really fear that Russian broadcasts may be ceased in this scenario. When meeting each other, politicians of our countries always stress the importance
of further steps towards strengthening of friendship and cooperation. In our opinion, All India Radio is one of the main players in the cooperation process, in line with its mission to introduce listeners to both the culture and the news of India -and most importantly, to approach to the target audience in their mother language. Please also keep in mind that using the DRM transmission mode would drastically restrict the number of potential listeners. The vast majority of us listen to the shortwave radio in analog mode, i.e. AM. That's because of the lack of affordable DRM receiving equipment in our markets. There are only conventional units, and they are only capable of analog radio reception. For many years until recently, we were listening to newscasts from New Delhi, Indian press reviews, beautiful songs from Indian films and music at our requests. Please don't let such a fruitful connection to break! We sincerely hope to hear our favorite AIR Russian programs back on the air soon. Relying on your comprehensive approach, we believe that the positive solution can be found as soon as possible.
Thank you! Names and contact details of signatories to this petition are attached.

It is proposed to "sign" the appeal by sending your name, surname, country, city, email address to the following e-mail:

Уважаемые представители руководства AIR!
К вам обращается группа радиослушателей из России и других стран бывшего Советского Союза. Мы обеспокоены судьбой подразделения
Русской службы All India Radio, работа которой была приостановлена в марте 2020 года на время пандемии COVID-19. Многие службы уже восстановили свою работу в том или ином формате. Было анонсировано и возобновление русской службы Вашей радиостанции. Однако возвращение в эфир так и не состоялось (по некоторым данным - из-за нехватки сотрудников в штате). Нам кажется, что руководящее звено AIR не уделяет достаточного внимания Русской службе, и мы всерьез опасаемся, что в таких условиях, она вскоре может быть закрыта. На встречах наших политиков постоянно подчеркивается важность укрепления дружбы и межгосударственного сотрудничества наших стран. Мы считаем, что Всеиндийское Радио является одним из основных проводников такого сотрудничества, знакомя слушателей, как с культурой, так и с новостями Индии, причем самое главное - обращаясь к целевой аудитории на ее языке. Просим также учесть, что перевод вещания в формат DRM резко сузит круг ваших слушателей. Подавляющее большинство из нас слушают радио на коротких волнах в аналоговом формате (АМ). Причина - в отсутствии на рынке доступных по цене DRM-приемников. В основном мы пользуемся обычными радиоприемниками, а они рассчитаны только на аналоговые сигналы. До недавних пор в течение многих лет на волнах Всеиндийского Радио мы cлушали выпуски новостей из Дели, обзоры индийских газет, красивейшие песни из индийских кинофильмов и музыку по запросам радиослушателей. Не дайте разрушить эту ценную связь! Мы очень надеемся скоро вновь услышать в эфире любимые передачи Всеиндийского Радио на русском языке. Мы верим, что вы проявите профессионализм и сможете решить вопрос положительно.
Благодарим вас! Прикрепляем к этому письму имена и контакты слушателей, заявивших о поддержке этого обращения.

Trans World Radio 7590 khz via Grigoriopol


Trans World Radio (via Grigoriopol), 7590 khz, 19.02.2021, 2 days, e-mail: prtc @, asiafeedback @

Friday, March 19, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL Radio 1 plus via Grigoriopol, Video tour of the Österreichische Rundfunksender (ORS) at Moosbrunn, Austria

QSL Radio 1 plus via Grigoriopol

Video tour of the Österreichische Rundfunksender (ORS) at Moosbrunn, Austria

Video tour of the Österreichische Rundfunksender (ORS) at Moosbrunn, Austria

 Video tour of the Österreichische Rundfunksender (ORS) at Moosbrunn, Austria. ORS is the national transmitter network operator in that country. Although Radio Austria International (ORF) uses for these transmitters for only 80 minutes daily, other international broadcasters make much greater use of the facilities for their services into Africa, Middle East and Europe. Radio Japan, BBC, Adventist World Radio, IBRA Radio and Bible Voice are some of the stations currently leasing time at Moosbrunn 

Link to view


QSL Radio 1 plus via Grigoriopol


E-QSL Radio 1 plus (via Grigoriopol), 621 khz, 22.02.2021, 2 days, e-mail: prtc @

Thursday, March 18, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Bible Voice, From the Isle of Music, March 21-27, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 21-27

QSL from Bible Voice 11900 khz

From the Isle of Music, March 21-27

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 21-27

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 21-27

In episode 209, we present an international tribute to the arrival of Spring. 
The transmissions take place:
1.Sunday 2200-2300 (NEW UTC) (6:00PM -7:00PM EST) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe.
2. Tuesday 2000-2100 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
3. Saturday 0800-0900 UTC on Channel 292, 9670 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe with a directional booster aimed eastward.

From the Isle of Music, March 21-27

This week our special guests are Yasser Eden and Carlos Scott Hernandez, leaders of Zona Franka, which has just released an exciting new album, Se llama sabroso, that mixes changüi with urban Cuban music.  One of the songs features Omara Portuondo as guest vocalist.  Also: a new single by Havana d'Primera and other good things.  
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 on WBCQ (NEW UTC), 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1300-1400 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.

QSL from Bible Voice 11900 khz


E-QSL Bible Voice (Germany), 11900 khz, 23.01.2021, 28 days,
e-mail: mail @

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from MR1 Kossuth Rádió, Video of EDXC Meeting 13 March 2021

QSL from MR1 Kossuth Rádió 540 khz

Video of EDXC Meeting 13 March 2021

Video of EDXC Meeting 13 March 2021

An EDXC meeting on 13 March 2021 saw 44 people attend, from 14 countries (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, India, Japan, Republic of Ireland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA). The meeting included general radio and DX chat, after the two presentations: one on Radio Emma Toc by Jim Salmon and the other by Ronald W Kenyon on his book QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home. Ronald’s book can be purchased from Amazon in 16 countries around the world. 

QSL from MR1 Kossuth Rádió 540 khz


E-QSL MR1 Kossuth Rádió (Hungary), 540 khz, 26.01.2021, 23 days,
e-mail: kovacs.ivan @

Monday, March 15, 2021

Information from Channel 292

 Many listeners already noticed, that from Saturday, 15.28 UTC until Monday, 09.10 UTC we have been off air.
 Reason was a heavy storm, that caused severe damage to our antennas.
  All 3 frequencies are back on air now, but the beam is seriously damaged and repair will last 1 to 2 week, we guess.
  We say thank you to all of you, who have already sent donations to help us to cover the costs; if you are on plan to do this: PayPal to info @
 Because you don't need a protection for a buyer, please use the "Friends and Family" option, because otherwise PayPal will deduct fees for a service, that does not make sense here.
(Bank account on request).
  We will keep you up to date how the work on the beam goes on!

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Radio Joey, Radio Romania International Programmes Summer 28.03-30.10.2021

QSL from Radio Joey 6390 khz

Radio Romania International Programmes Summer 28.03-30.10.2021

Radio Romania International Programmes Summer 28.03-30.10.2021


QSL from Radio Joey 6390 khz


E-QSL Radio Joey (Netherlands), 6390 khz, 31.10.2020, 108 days,
e-mail: radiojoey @

Sunday, March 14, 2021

QSL from Bible Voice 9715 khz


E-QSL Bible Voice (Austria), 9715 khz, 19.12.2021, 52 days, e-mail: mail @

Saturday, March 13, 2021

QSL Trans World Radio via Grigoriopol


Trans World Radio (via Grigoriopol), 1548 khz, 18.02.2021, 1 day, e-mail: prtc @

Friday, March 12, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Brother Stair, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 14-20 2021

QSL from Brother Stair 13700 khz

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 14-20 2021

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 14-20 2021

 Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, March 14-20:

In episode 208, we enjoy some popular discotheque music from Russia in the 1980s and 1990s with the help of some excellent suggestions from our listener Konstantin Barsenkov. 
The transmissions take place:
1.Sunday 2200-2300 (NEW UTC) (6:00PM -7:00PM EST) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe.
2. Tuesday 2000-2100 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
3. Saturday 0800-0900 UTC on Channel 292, 9670 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe with a directional booster aimed eastward.

QSL from Brother Stair 13700 khz


QSL Brother Stair (Bulgaria), 13700 khz, 23.01.2021, 24 days,

Thursday, March 11, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from ALL TRIBES RADIO, The Isle of Music, March 14-20 2021

QSL from ALL TRIBES RADIO 15770 khz

The Isle of Music, March 14-20 2021

The Isle of Music, March 14-20 2021

From the Isle of Music, March 14-20:

This week our special guest flautista Rene Lorente, a veteran of Orquesta Aragon, Orquesta America and Senen Suarez' combo among other groups, shares some of his solo project recordings as we converse about his career. The broadcasts take place:

1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK). 

2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 on WBCQ (NEW UTC), 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).

3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1300-1400 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.


QSL from ALL TRIBES RADIO 15770 khz


E-QSL ALL TRIBES RADIO (via WRMI), 15770 khz, 11.02.2021, 1 day,
e-mail: alltribesradio @

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from JMH 4, Special program of Texas Radio Shortwave March 14 2021

JMH 4 MODE FAX 13988.5 khz

Special program of Texas Radio Shortwave March 14 2021

Special program of Texas Radio Shortwave March 14 2021

 Occasionally, we run across a new artist we feel listeners might be interested in.  A couple of weeks ago, friend and listener Robert Kipp in Germany read a newspaper article about a budding German country & western artist with Austin roots.

Her name is DanaMaria Rühlemann. She’s 27.  She’s just released a 13-track CD entitled “Desert Diamond,” inspired by her summers clubbing in Austin and listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Willie Nelson, Emmylou Harris, and Cheryl Crow.

In the newspaper article, DanaMaria laments not being about to tour and play in front of live audiences because of the Coronavirus.  To help DanaMaria get her songs heard in Europe and North America, we're pleased to say that we've scheduled a program of her music on Channel 292 according to this schedule:

Sunday, March 14, 2021 

0200 UTC  WRMI 5950 kHz

1500 UTC  6070 kHz  Channel 292

1700 UTC  3955 kHz  Channel 292.

We'll offer a limited edition, NUMBERED eQSL for correct reports. We might even send out some hard-copy signed QSLs if we feel generous.  You won't know what you'll receive until you send us a report.


QSL from JMH 4 MODE FAX 13988.5 khz


QSL JMH 4 MODE FAX (Japan), 13988.5 khz, 19.12.2020, 51 days,
iao-jma @

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

QSL from DDH 51 Navtex 518 khz


E-QSL DDH 51 Navtex (Germany), 518 khz, 05.02.2021, 1 day,
e-mail: Wilfried.Behncke @, info @, seeschifffahrt @

Saturday, March 6, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL from Radio Northern Europe International, Radio Nord Revival on the air March 7-8 2021

QSL from Radio Northern Europe International 3955 khz

Radio Nord Revival on the air March 7-8 2021

Radio Nord Revival on the air March 7-8 2021

On March 8 it will be 60 years since the start of our beloved station Radio Nord. We are celebrating this by special transmissions on SW from the Sala shortwave transmitter at Ringvalla, owned by Bernt Nyberg. Power is 10 kW.

All programmes are in Swedish unless otherwise stated. Our main frequency is 6200 kHz, with 6035 and 6130 kHz as alternative frequencies in case of interference. Power is 10 kW with one side band suppressed. More details link


QSL from Radio Northern Europe International


Radio Northern Europe International (via Channel 292), 3955 khz, 31.01.2021, 14 days,
e-mail: qsl @

Friday, March 5, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL ČRo Radiožurnál, Times and Frequencies Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril

 ČRo Radiožurnál 270 khz

Times and Frequencies Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril

Times and Frequencies Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril

Regular Broadcast times of Encore are: 

11:00 - 12:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz


23:00 - 00:00 UTC Saturday 7570 kHz to the US and Canada

01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 7780 & 5850 kHz to Europe US and Canada - New Simulcast

03:00 – 04:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada

17:00 – 18:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe

22:00 - 23:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe

13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and Iceland.

21:00 – 22:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe. (One hour later than usual up to and including 12th March.)


QSL from ČRo Radiožurnál 270 khz


QSL ČRo Radiožurnál (Czech Republic), 270 khz, 26.01.2021, 16 days, e-mail:,

Thursday, March 4, 2021

NEW IN BLOG: QSL RTL, WMRI Europe 7, 8 March 2021 via Channel 292

QSL RTL 234 khz

WMRI Europe 7, 8 March 2021 via Channel 292

WMRI Europe 7, 8 March 2021 via Channel 292

 WMRI Europe is the new name for Euro Radio and it starts broadcasting on Sunday March 7 2021 on 9670 Khz. 20.00 till 00.00 UTC for United Kingdom and the Benelux then 00.00 until 04.00 UTC March 8 for North America and 04.00 until 08.00 UTC for North Africa and The Middle East 

(Information page Facebook Euro Radio 6205 khz)

QSL from RTL 234 khz


QSL RTL (Luxembourg), 234 khz, 26.01.2021, 16 days, e-mail: eugene_muller @, feedback @, contact.antenne @, contact.web @

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



E-QSL FRS HOLLAND (Netherlands), 08.11.2020, 3920 khz, 7700 khz, 5790 khz, 57 days, e-mail: frs @